WIN: Smiggle Advent Calendar 2017

The Advent Calendar is BACK and better than ever! With more of what you love. It’s the best countdown to Christmas yet. You asked and Smiggle listened – this advent has 25 days of fan faves that are sure to bring smiles and giggles.

If you want an Advent Calendar without the sugar rush, Smiggle has the perfect alternative. It is 25 days of cute stationery, with a new surprise every day until Christmas.

The kids will love it, but you might want to get an extra one for yourself. Without giving away the contents, this is better than any lucky dip we have experienced. The offerings aren’t cheap quality, they are the cute Smiggle creations which you would expect from the brand.

Pop in store or check the whole range out online at

We have one Smiggle Advent Calendar 2017 up for grabs, for your chance to win tell us in the comments section below what you want for Christmas this year!

Competition closes 15/11/17 midnight AEST. You must be subscribed to the Beauty and Lace newsletter OR a Facebook fan to enter. Make sure you use a valid email address so we can contact you if you are a lucky winner.

Terms and conditions

– All decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
– Competition is a game of skill. Chance plays no part in determining the winner.
– Prize not negotiable, and cannot be exchanged or taken as cash.
– One entry per person
– Competition open to Australian residents only
– Entries are only valid if all required fields have been entered. No responsibility accepted for lost, late or misdirected entries.
– All entries become the property of Beauty and Lace. Your details will not be given or sold to any third parties unless required for claiming of the prize.
– We reserve the right to make changes to the prize and competition if required.
– Winners will be notified by email


127 thoughts on “WIN: Smiggle Advent Calendar 2017

  1. I want all my bills to be paid, is that too much to ask Santa for? But seriously I have googled every page giving away a smiggle advent I really want one of these babies so much fun for my girl

  2. All i really want is for someone else to do all the washing up after lunch is that too much to ask for?……well that a a new windscreen sunshade for my car…….but would settle for someone washing up….

  3. Wishing for a family holiday this Christmas. Would love to get away and forget about the busy-ness of work and household chores.

  4. A new wardrobe have every intention to go out and buy something new but always come back with things for the kids. A gift card would be perfect to shop the sales and treat myself, someone told me fluro and ra-ra skirts weren’t in anymore i’m shocked!

  5. Christmas to me, is all about my kids, So if they’re happy I’m happy – that’s all I really want…. Besides – Boxing day is my birthday and that’s a different story 😉

  6. AS a first time family and now with Anna (2.5) we would love to explore the love of smiggle and Christmas together for the artistic holidays ever!!! Please help our little family with the ultimate countdown!!!

  7. I’d love for my whole family to spend the day together. We are scattered far and wide and haven’t all been together for over 10 years. There are new babies to meet, cuddle and drool over. If I can’t have a family get together then I’d love nothing more than lunch out where I get waited on and don’t have to do the cooking or cleaning 😉

  8. All I want for Christmas is a nice peaceful break with my wonderful husband and children – without any drama from the extended family! A smiggle prize would be a great treat for the kids too!

  9. Honestly I am just wanting awesome Christmas with my family and extended family! Am wishing we could all be in the same place at the same time together for Christmas day!

  10. One of those robotic vacuum cleaners…….
    It’s funny, I used to think my parents were so lame asking for practical gifts for Christmas. They should be asking for jewellery and hats…… Now my children tell me the exact same thing!

  11. I would love a quiet day with my family, just enjoying a peaceful lunch and laughs… and if by chance I get a pressie would love a new lamp so that I could read in bed…….

  12. I want my family to be happy and creating everlasting happy memories. I wish to spend time with my parents who live far away in another continent and to see my brother who lives in another continent.
    I wish to be stress free during Christmas and wishing to save money so as I could travel in the next year.
    My kids would definitely want the advent calendar because every year he asks me to buy him a smiggle bag for school.

  13. I really want some ‘Me time’ & gifts that complement this like wine, books and bubble bath. I’m sure all these Smiggle goodies would buy me some much needed me time!

  14. Last year I ‘gifted” SMIGGLE advent calendars to my nieces. They SMIGGLE snuggle- cuddled them and I was their favourite aunt.
    In 2017 a Smiggle Advent calendar wish for my little one – old enough this year to appreciate it and to become a lifelong SMIGGLE addict…. and a wish for happy family gatherings during December to see little one’s joy at opening SMIGGLE ADVENT calendar windows.

  15. I love Christmas and everything it represents,
    The giving of love as well as presents,
    So what I wish for I find,
    Is love & laughter for all mankind.

  16. I would love a contract for my business that I’ve just started (photography) and my kids have already told me what they want – the Smiggle Calendar!

  17. My girls would love the Smiggle Advent ,
    This I know for sure.
    However I’d be far more practical ,
    I need paint for my old furniture!

  18. I want to give my 2 girls magical Christmas memories filled with love and delight and tons of Smiles and Giggles♡♡♡♡♡♡!

  19. I don’t want too much for Christmas this year, all I want is a night of unbroken sleep from my little dears! No, Mummy I am thirsty or Mummy my blankets are un tucked. Just for them to sleep through the night

  20. Happy smiles, laughter and joy
    Friendship, imbibing, lotsa toys
    Quiet moments for hubby and me
    Feeling blessed, appreciating Christmas glee

  21. I would love to be in our own home waking up with the children Christmas morning to celebrate rather than being interstate with relatives!

  22. To enjoy my family without having to work for at least one year . I’ve worked the past 11 either Christmas Eve or and Boxing Day 🙂
    Ps I’d really love a new bookcase ha ha

  23. Just another day with my dear dad,… missing him heaps. Christmas is about family and eating so much trifle that I’m about to burst!

  24. Food!!! I’m pregnant and will be even more so at Christmas. I also want it to go smoothly with my crazy Mum. Oh and some sleep would be nice too

  25. I’ve decided I want a jigsaw….after doing countless ones with my young daughter, I have now re-developed a childhood passion for jigsaw puzzles, so I’m thinking a nice tricky one with lots of pieces just for me!

  26. I would just like a nice day where everyone can be nice to each other and get along and if nobody has the shits about something stupid that would be awesome

  27. For Christmas I don’t want things, no diamond rings, but to find a place, a little space, for some peace and serenity.

  28. I will be at work on a children’s ward, and I want to remind all the children to be careful on their new bikes/scooters/trampolines so they don’t have to visit me in hospital and I have a very quiet day!!! That’s my wish. And wine, that goes without saying!!

  29. A wine glass that holds a bottle of wine. Face it, no one should have to get up to refill their glass on Christmas day!

  30. I don’t have anything on my list for Santa this year. A happy and stress free time with my family will do just fine.

  31. I want to feel loved and appreciated instead of lonely and used, only hearing from people when they want something from me. That would be a great present for me, to be wanted.

  32. I’d really love a new job for Christmas lol. The business I’m at now is about to close and it’s such bad timing!

  33. I could be cheesey:
    Say I have all I need.
    And although that is true:
    I’d love something to read!
    A new book, with no pictures,
    One with no creases in the spine.
    Something that’s compelling,
    And has me absorbing every line.
    A book for this tired mummy,
    A book I can read in the dark.
    Preferrably in silence:
    Or even in the bath!

  34. I’d love for my request for a permanent part time roll to be accepted. Its not even about the money, I just want the stability of knowing I have work each week especially as I have to prepay for holiday care. Its very stressful not knowing (im currently on a casual basis but working 5 days every week

  35. I’d like some new back steps before this Mrs Santa falls and breaks her neck. I must get onto the elves.

  36. A happy holiday filled of laughter and no tears. The kids leaving out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeers. Family gathering creating delicious food. Singing carols, watching Home Alone with a joyful mood.

  37. I’d love a muk hair straightener and hair extensions myself but I just love seeing my children happy they are number one. Not being vein but my hair fell out having pneumonia and my 4 year old boy always tells me I’m beautiful still. He would share this with his little sister they would love it.

  38. I would love for someone to clean up and landscape my backyard. It’s only small but I never have any time or this melbourne weather rains on me!

  39. I want a safe and joyful Christmas and my children smiling and excited. Smiggle makes us smile allows us to create.

  40. We are going to England for Xmas and my best present would be if my son could not projectile vomit over me on the plane like he did last time.

  41. More than anything else I love for my family to be reunited and happy, with several members away this year, it’s not likely though.

  42. All I want for Christmas is for my Little Miss 5 and Little Miss 3 to have a magical Christmas (like the Christmas’ I had as a child).

  43. I love to see the look on my kids faces as they rush to the tree to see that Santa has arrived, That look is all I need each Christmas!

  44. Hm… last year you asked a question like this for a competition, and my husband actually bought me the item I’d nominated (a pendant from My Giddy Aunt), so let’s see if I can get lucky again this year, yes? I’d like a pile of books – a BIG one (that won’t surprise you) – and time to sit in a sunny corner and read at least one of them, uninterrupted. Except possibly by a small child bearing a cup of tea and snacks.

    Okay, so it’s a wild fantasy. You did ask!

  45. What I want for Christmas:
    Peace on Earth
    Health and Happiness for all
    An end to Famine
    An outbreak of Tolerance, love and Understanding
    Every Child to be a Wanted and Loved Child

    What I will settle for:
    A Smiggle Advent Calendar to share with my loved ones

  46. That my flights back to the UK go smoothly so I arrive on time to spend Christmas with my Dad who is battling cancer.

  47. I honestly have absolutely no idea what I want for Christmas this year (which is a first)! I’m just happy to receive a surprise gift – it makes for more fun!

  48. What I want for Christmas this year is the same thing I’ve wanted for the past 7 years: a miraculous return to my pre-baby body without having to actually – you know – work for it or stop eating ice cream, lollies or chocolates (at least one of which is non-negotiable)…

    Since it seems I must somehow still be on Santa’s naughty list ‘cos he simply isn’t delivering on my wish (I don’t think he’s forgiven me for eating his Christmas cookies and drinking his milk that ONE (or maybe seven) time!), I’ll settle for my wonderful, yet uncannily oblivious hubby finally picking up on my not-so-subtle hints for a proper, professional family portrait photograph!

    (And just for the sake of completeness and the avoidance of all doubt.. I most certainly covet the brilliant Smiggle Calendar this Christmas as well!)

  49. All I want for Christmas is peace and harmony – on the small scale that means a break from work and happy kids, on the larger scale it means people accepting each other and politicians respecting people and our environment.

    I love Santa and have faith he can bring us all more peace and tolerance 🙂

    If he anything to spare after that, maybe some nice pens and paper so we can write thank you notes and spread more peace and love around us.

  50. Christmas is all about the kids,
    And right now, none of our pens have lids
    They love to draw, create, design
    But when pens dry up, they love to whine!
    This Smiggle pack would be heaven sent
    All my money’s already spent!
    It would be a Christmas dream
    And most of all, it’d make the kids scream!

  51. Last Christmas was quite a nightmare with a family member ending up in Intensive Care after requiring life saving surgery and then also suffering a cardiac arrest but through that we were all given a bit of a shake up and had the true delight of Christmas reinforced.
    What I really want this Christmas is for all my family members to get through the Christmas Season without any health issues. I wish my eldest daughter could make it home but sadly thats not to be this year but I will chat to her on the phone instead.
    Gift wise im quite content with nothing at all. Im very difficult to buy for but if anyone really wanted to buy me something then a Flight Center Gift Card would be wonderful as it offers me the gift of travel and that is one of my big loves.

  52. As I read through the other comments, I could resonate with most of the things that the other Mum’s wanted – peace, holidays, washing up done, robotic vacuum etc. Then I thought, we all have so much, so maybe what I should ask for is the contentment to be happy with all I have (and for my kids to feel the same!!!).

  53. After a year of many health concerns in our family I’d just like a day where we can all relax and catch up properly.

  54. All I want for Christmas is to enjoy the smiles on my little girl’s face when we bake our favourite gingerbread men cookies and decorate the Christmas tree! There id nothing better especially at Christmas time as her smile always brightens up my day!

  55. For Christmas this year I would love to have a Successful IVF Round. Some Smiggle goodies can help me fill in my journal 🙂 I would also love to have my family together as we haven’t been together for 10+ years. 🙁 Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas. <3

  56. A Christmas at home watching my young boys discover the magic of Christmas like I did when I grew up! I had to work last Christmas (I’m an RN) so this year ill soak up my time at home 🙂 Early rise, present opening and happy faces, lots of yummy food, family reunion, love and laughter xo

  57. Christmas done differently this year, family are going away and that leaves me on my own. My Christmas wish then is peace, quiet and a really good sleep (I’m a sleep deprived shiftworker!)

  58. My children would love the daily surprise
    Sharing them with joy in their eyes
    Their love for Smiggle (and mine) is endless
    It’s cool, cute, fun and splendid

  59. I would just love to see all the kids so happy, so to win this for them will add to their joy they adore Smiggle please please please pick us

  60. I would love a holiday, short break with the kids never been on one. To win this calender will be a great way to count down til the bug day!

  61. A fun, family filled Christmas,
    full of smiles and giggles.
    Memories made, gifts exchanged,
    made brighter with love from Smiggle <3

  62. I would love to see the smile on my nieces face if i won this for her. Going into smiggle is like getting a warm hug from your best friend.


  64. I’ve worked the last few Christmas days and on shift all alone! I’m so looking forward to this Christmas, being home, enjoying time & a cheeky merry drink with the people who mean the world to me.

  65. I want all my family to be together for Christmas this year, I love watching the grandkids excitement at Christmas but being together as a family is more important

  66. This year for Christmas I’d like to book a nice relaxing hair appointment its long over due to be cut and coloured I’ve just been rocking the Mum bun or trying to at least lol for the last 8 months to try and cover up the bald patches from breast feeding my 5 month old baby

  67. What i desperately want for Christmas this year is a massage and a bubble bath each week of 2018! life is hectic!

  68. Our family has never celebrated Christmas before, so thinking of what I want for Christmas is pretty new. All I want for Christmas is peace in the world, and for my family to stay healthy and happy. A Smiggle advent calendar would be amazing for my daughter, since we don’t get any presents or treats for her usually :))

  69. The greatest joy I get is to see my kids eyes light up when they open their gifts on Christmas mornign….all I need is health, love and peace. To win this for the kids will be a great way to count down to the most magical time of the year !

  70. Peace to all and to all a good night – Actually, with 2 small children, I’d very much like that for myself! Seriously, a peaceful, good-night’s-sleep is ALL I want! PLEASE Santa! 😀

  71. A massage. Oh how I want a massage.
    But a Smiggle Advent Calendar would bring the kids so much excitement in the lead up to Christmas, I’d trade my massage for that any day.

  72. I want to wake up with more money in my wallet than washing in my laundry, 10 kg lighter and a few years younger, but I’ll settle for 10 min on Christmas morning, after the chaos, to go to the bathroom then drink my coffee in peace and quiet.

  73. I would so love to have my family here for Xmas to see my girls. But will settle for skyping them every morning when my daughter opens her Smiggle advent calendar!

  74. My recently mr 4 has discovered his hidden talent of drawing, spends all day drawing all sorts of things. I seriously love it as it’s a way for him to bond with his sister. This would make our Christmas just that little bit more magical. Fingers crossed.

  75. my granddaughter loves the smiggle range and she really wants a barbie doll and my little pony and a slime maker please.

  76. Safe travel for family coming to visit from afar this Christmas… Happy fine days spent together re-living happy childhood memories and creating new memories of good times spent together.

  77. My girl’s wish list includes plenty of Smiggle
    And Santa will bring her more than a little
    Her smiles and squeals of glee
    Is enough of a present for me

  78. Honestly, I’d like some good quality sheets for my foster care room. We foster primary school aged kiddos and I am forever on the hunt for soft, soothing sheets. It brings me lots of joy to fill that room up with good, calming, welcoming things. If I won the advent calendar it’d be a great alternative to a chocolate one – my kids need healthy diets to be regulated, but a little goodie window to open every day would be lovely! 🙂 🙂

  79. M-y Christmas List
    E-xists of only a few
    R-eally important
    R-equests. That the
    Y-outh stand up and

    C-are for the elderly.
    H-aters begin to
    R-ally for peace.
    I-mbalances in power and money
    T-he poor become rich and the rich grow in compassion.
    M-y family is safe and happy
    A-s well as all others across the globe.
    S-o then we can all have a Merry Christmas.

  80. A replacement appliance, either a laptop or refrigerator, to replace whichever one is spiking our electricity bill to five times higher than it usually is – that would be a most wonderful christmas present! Thanks!

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