Review: spots n bots

I have just recently become a mum to three and this time round I am doing it as a stay at home mum. Baby number three was a huge surprise to us so it wasn’t something we were well prepared for, and late discovery meant we only had half as much time to get prepared.

Even with my first two children I loved the idea of cloth nappies. They are much better for the environment because disposables end up in landfill and I don’t think they break down, or if they do it takes a ridiculously long period of time. I also loved the idea of cloth because they are so much better economically, I think the average is somewhere around $6000 to keep a baby in disposables from newborn through to toilet training and that is an expense I could certainly do without. My older children are quite a bit older so there wasn’t the same amount of choice as there is today so they both ended up in disposables.

Now there are a whole range of modern cloth nappies (MCNs) available on the market and we are certainly spoilt for choice. I have heard a lot more about them and seen them in action so decided that this time round I was definitely going cloth.

Most of us would be well aware that not all disposable nappies are created equal, well the same can be said for MCN’s. Each brand has its own set of features and selling points and the quality differs greatly. In my search for quality, affordable MCNs I have been directed to many different websites but I think I will be sticking with this one.

I was able to get some One Size Fits Most (OSFM) MCNs from Spots N Bots for review, along with Bamboo flushable liners and reusable bamboo breast pads and I am in LOVE. I have already been back to the website to order some more so let me tell you about them.

all the range (2)

spots n bots OSFM MCNs come in a wide range of colours and patterns so there are times where you won’t want to dress the baby at all, but now that we’re into Autumn I guess that’s not really an option. Great for summer though. They are designed to fit from approximately 4.5kgs to 16kg but I have them on my 3 week old already and he is not quite 4kgs, and they are a beautiful fit. There are three rows of press studs at the front of the nappy so you can adjust the size and the nappy will grow with your baby.

The nappies feature a waterproof cover, twin leg gussets to help prevent leakage and an elastic waist for baby’s comfort. The lining is a soft micro suede and the outer is super soft minky fabric with velcro tab closures, and fold in velcro tabs to ensure they don’t get attached to anything else in the wash. They come with your choice of insert, either a 3 layer Microfiber insert, or for a small upgrade price a 5 layer bamboo insert.

Since bringing my boy home from the hospital he has been in MCNs exclusively, the brand I have a complete set of and the three spots n bots. I try to keep the spots n bots for bedtime because I have had no trouble with them. There has been no leakage, they are quick to change, easy to use and look fantastic. The liner is sized to fit snugly inside the nappy which makes it slightly more time consuming to insert smoothly but makes for much better wear.

These nappies wash easily in your machine, there is no soaking and they dry quickly – preferably hanging in the sunshine but I have had to hang them inside and they do dry quickly there too.

I love these nappies so much that after a week of using them I have been to the website and ordered more. I can not wait for them to arrive, though that could be because I found MICKEY MOUSE MCNs. I was so excited.

spots n bots MCNs are $14 each or $17 each with a 5 layer bamboo insert upgrade.

Using cloth nappies it is always nice to use a liner, that way you reduce the risk of stains to your nappy and it is easy to remove the solid waste by simply lifting the liner and disposing of it. I had huge amounts of trouble trying to find nappy liners locally and when I eventually did it was just before I discovered them at spots n bots – so now I have plenty and I much prefer spots n bots flushable bamboo liners.


spots n bots 100% Bamboo Liners are flushable which is fabulous for the environment because they aren’t going to end up in landfill. They are super soft which makes them perfect for sensitive newborn skin but my favourite feature is that they are perfectly sized to lay beautifully in a MCN. The other liners I have are huge and need to be folded and manipulated to fit. They are Non-Toxic, Alcohol Free, Fragrance Free, Chemical Free, Biodegradable and Flushable.

For those wanting to avoid wet wipes the spots n bots Bamboo liners are multifunctional, you can wet them and use them as a wipe. They can then be rinsed and reused.

These are $9 per roll of 100 and available in a pack of 2.

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Bamboo Breast Pads are another thing I thought I’d try out. This time round I am trying to minimise my environmental footprint and go with reusable as much as possible so washable breast pads were another must try. Disposable ones are individually wrapped so it’s twice the rubbish to end up in landfill.

These Bamboo Breast Pads are 12cm in diameter, non slip, non toxic and made from Organic Bamboo which has a natural anti-bacterial effect and are perfect for sensitive skin. The pads feature 3 layers for ultra absorption keeping your skin dry and you extremely comfortable. The fabric is very slim, super soft and breathable. They also feature a waterproof minky backing to minimise leakage.

I have 8 on rotation and wear a new set every day so how many you need will depend on how often you wash. I have to do a load of nappies every day so I could get away with 4-6 but it’s always nice to have a few extra in case of unforeseen circumstances.

These are available in a pack of 4 for $10, 12 for $24 or 20 for $34.

That’s not all there is on offer at spots n bots and I would recommend you take a look for yourself. Many of the nappies have matching change mats and wet bags at reasonable prices, also available are swim nappies and training pants.

Head over and check them out at spots n bots or on Facebook.

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